Physical and Mental Benefits
Massage therapy is one of the most ancient and basic forms of healing. The intent of massage is to promote healing and relaxation by breaking down muscle adhesion's. Massage therapy been scientifically proven to benefit these and many more conditions:
Relaxes the whole body
Loosens tight muscles
Relieves tired and aching muscles
Increases flexibility and range of motion
Diminishes chronic pain
Calms the nervous system
Lowers blood pressure
Lowers heart rate
Enhances skin tone
Assists in recovery from injuries and illness
Strengthens the immune system
Reduces tension headaches
Reduces mental stress
Improves concentration
Promotes restful sleep
Aids in mental relaxation
Massage Rates at Performance Chiropractic
30 minutes - includes GST
60 Minutes - includes GST
90 Minutes - includes GST
*most private insurance companies cover all or a portion of the costs.
* call for massage hours 204-257-2850
Attire and Position
You will be asked to remove your outer clothing (leaving on underwear )and lay down on the table. Your therapist will only expose the area that is to be worked. During your treatment a variety of techniques will be used. When the treatment is finished, your therapist will leave the room, allowing you to get dressed.